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16 January 2014

The Allium giganteum

The Allium giganteum
 The Allium giganteum is a perennial bulbous plant that is part of the family Amaryllidaceae . For its attractive appearance it is used as ornamental , you recognize medicinal properties and its bulb is edible, though not in large quantities as they have proven cases of poisoning, so it is not cultivated for food. You can reach metro five feet tall, with a width at the base of up to sixty centimeters (rosette leaves) is native to Eurasia.
The Allium giganteum

The Allium giganteum
 It has a basal rosette of leaves formed by aromatic grayish green (to bend or break leak the characteristic smell of onions). Its inflorescence globose umbel type, gather around a hundred small blue-violet flowers, it is perched on a slender stalk smooth born near the end of spring, is used in the decoration and assembly of both fresh bouquets as dry. If it is windy area should entutorar because the flower stems easily fall by the weight bearing and strong swing. Leaves deep green and leathery, long look and so acintada, wither and fall after flowering.
The Allium giganteum

The Allium giganteum
 Need locations in full sun, well-drained soil and moderate watering, does not require much care. He played through mature bulbs are dug in autumn and transplanted to shallow and separated from one another forty inches, at least in places protected from the wind, these bulbs are of considerable size, measuring between ten and fifteen inches in diameter, they will be new basal rosettes of gray leaves, they are used for edging or in groups of five or seven copies produced excellent decorative effect in corners, placing delta, by alternating rows. Or pests or diseases are problems for Allium giganteum but root putrefaction occurs if the substrate on which it is flooded.
The Allium giganteum


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