THE COCK OF ROCK Andean is one of the most beautiful and exotic birds of Colombia, its beautiful red orange led him to the brink of extinction as it is pursued for sale as a pet and many millions are paid abroad by a copy, is something sad but it's reality. During more than 15 years I have gone many times to the jungles, mountains and stopped the stacks of Cali, a magical mountain of incredible biodiversity and had never seen but life gave me a gift that hard a couple of minutes, while walking along a path through the woods facing a tree and saw that amazed orange red spot that stood between the green and dense foliage, could not believe it was a rooster rock in its natural state, joy and enthusiasm get me to the depths, the gift me a few minutes, I looked and went as fast as I arrive. excuse me the picture quality as what little hard in front of me, but the lighting conditions and environment not allowed to take a better picture, I am sure of is that the minute I saw him I remain engraved in the highest resolution in my heart. Gallito de Roca Photographed in green and magical mountains cliffs of Cali national park south of Colombia
17 January 2014
17 January 2014
THE COCK OF ROCK Andean is one of the most beautiful and exotic birds of Colombia, its beautiful red orange led him to the brink of extinction as it is pursued for sale as a pet and many millions are paid abroad by a copy, is something sad but it's reality. During more than 15 years I have gone many times to the jungles, mountains and stopped the stacks of Cali, a magical mountain of incredible biodiversity and had never seen but life gave me a gift that hard a couple of minutes, while walking along a path through the woods facing a tree and saw that amazed orange red spot that stood between the green and dense foliage, could not believe it was a rooster rock in its natural state, joy and enthusiasm get me to the depths, the gift me a few minutes, I looked and went as fast as I arrive. excuse me the picture quality as what little hard in front of me, but the lighting conditions and environment not allowed to take a better picture, I am sure of is that the minute I saw him I remain engraved in the highest resolution in my heart. Gallito de Roca Photographed in green and magical mountains cliffs of Cali national park south of Colombia
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