Sunday 16 March 2014


Usually Korean chrysanthemum propagated by cuttings and division of queen. But fans can try experiments to propagate their seeds. It is very surprising activity! After all of the seeds can be obtained with the original paint plants, semi-double, and are usually obtained romashkovidnye grade. When the seed multiplication not give stable forms and strongly split. 
But this method still has some advantages, because of the strong seedlings grow plants adapted to low temperatures. no more drought resistant. Less prone to various diseases. For more valuable ornamental varieties needs artificial pollination and isolation of parental pairs. it certainly is a complex process, this method usually used by collectors to obtain new varieties. I for fun this year has already raised a few plants from seed chrysanthemums. My experiments have pleased me! Whole sea of creamy white daisies. Flowering was lush and long. Korean chrysanthemum bloom usually 6 months after planting, so they are best sown in February-March. Potting soil for planting chrysanthemums take easy. Crops lightly sprinkle a thin layer of earth. Moisturize and covered with foil, put in a warm place. Seedlings will appear in 5-7 days. When the seedlings develop 2-3 true leaf, they begin to dive. In the future care of the seedlings is regular watering and fertilizing first month seedlings will grow very slowly, and then they will accelerate its growth and 1.5 months the seedlings reach a height of about 25 cm in the ground young chrysanthemum can be planted in late April. Before planting, the plant crown pinch for better branching. Once fully grown shoots pinched repeat. Bushes grow bushy and compact. Early varieties of chrysanthemums that bloom in August and September, good time to tie his seeds and mature enough. Then the seeds are obtained by a full-fledged good quality! Bolls finally dried in a well ventilated area and in a few days they can thresh that is exempt from such bolls Store seeds no more than two years. Try the new season to collect and sow chrysanthemums. Grow your own hands, these lovely flowers. Prices on chrysanthemum pretty high, and you will fall flower beds of chrysanthemums for nothing! Good luck to you!

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