Saturday 18 January 2014

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos, review and video.

Worldwide there are 161 species of chameleons and among its curiosities and oddities can highlight the following things.
1) The tongue of the chameleon doubles twice the size of his own body. The chameleons do not hear or smell.
2) The eyes of chameleon can be moved independently of each other.
3) The smallest and tiny species chameleon was discovered just weeks ago called Brookesia minima or micron and measures just 1.5 inches.
4) The chameleons have a quirk in their eyes within the reptiles, have eyelids.
5) The chameleons are extremely slow if not for the length of his tongue would starve.
6) Your skin is keratinized should move it so often.
7) The chameleons generally live alone and tend to be quite aggressive with their peers.
8) The chameleons change color but not as often believed to be to blend in with their environment, but rather their colors are related to their psychological state and room temperature.
9) In many African tribes is seen as the creator of the human race.
10) Some chameleons , chameleon like Jackson, have horns on his head.
The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

The Chameleon: curiosities and oddities. Photos and review

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