Tuesday 28 January 2014

Bergamot orange flower

Bergamot orange flower
The call Bergamot orange or Monarda didyma is a native North American annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae , like Mint. Its generic name comes from the Spanish botanist Nicholas Monardus. It an important essential oil used in perfumery is obtained.
Its flowers and leaves are also used because they exhale an exquisite orange aroma, serve to flavor teas and ice cream flavor dishes and incorporate them into salads. The infusion prepared with the leaves is used to reduce fever, alleviate stomach pains and sleep.
Bergamot orange flower
Has the stem and branches covered with fine hairs. The leaves are stalked, lanceolate, opposite and slightly jagged edges, gray-green color. It reproduces by seed, division or cuttings rhizomes.
The flowers are tubular with long stamens protruding from them. Is bilabiada corolla, with a narrow upper lip pubescent whole while the bottom is wider. Meet in solitary terminal inflorescences atop each flower stem.

In nature we find in meadows and upland forests. To collect the seeds cut the stems with the receptacle once are drying on the ground, leaving a few days in a covered, dry and cool place, then place it in a paper bag and shake the seeds to fall within it. Store them in a sealable container until ready to use
Bergamot orange flower
To sow indoors in mid-winter, prepare a mixture of common soil and sand with some fertilizer, in two weeks they have germinated. Watering newly noting that the surface of the soil is dry. Two months may be transplanted to the garden, where there is danger of frost is past. For propagation by cuttings choose tender branches, clear your bottom sheet and place them in a mixture of sand and perlite, one month and should be well rooted. Dividing plants every two years should do it because otherwise the plants become more desirable size and are not as healthy. Once the rhizome division immediately replant common ground with added compost and watering.
Bergamot orange flower

Bergamot orange flower

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